Decoding Netflix: Analyzing Content Through Metadata

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Netflix has over seventy-thousand ways to describe types of content, which are used to meticulously analyze every text that is licensed to the platform. These adjectival genres were created by analysts who were paid to watch texts, tag them with metadata, and rate them according to content including goriness, romance levels, and even narrative elements like plot conclusiveness. This metadata is combined with the viewing data collected on Netflix’s millions of users to determine the thousands of genres that Netflix uses, while also determining which genres are to be used for each individual user. Yellin justifies the adjective heavy genres, like political genres, and feel-good comedies, stating that “We wanted to put in more language. We wanted …show more content…

Because Netflix prides itself on being a platform that caters to the individual with an interface of personalized recommendations, generic specificity is a valuable tool. Thus, in accordance with Jason Mittell’s genre theory, Netflix’s reconfiguration accounts for both cultural conditions and the industrial and technological particularities of the television medium in the streaming era. The highly specific genres account for cultural conditions in that they are founded on common cultural knowledge prepare Netflix users for the texts within each generic category, which is particularly important when there is a plethora of content available to view, as is the case with Netflix. The platform also responds to the cultural conditions and knowledge of its users by collecting data on their viewing habits, in order to create categories that users are likely to understand and respond to by watching texts within the genres. Netflix modifies its genre selection based on the data it collects from its viewer base, effectively responding to the cultural conditions within which it functions in order to better cater to its audience and encourage continual viewing and subscription. Netflix’s adjectival genre system is also known for its genre mixing, with genres such as family comedies and indie romance, which is a cultural process enacted by industry personnel in response to audience viewing practices. Furthermore, Netflix’s reconfiguration of genre accounts for the particular attributes of the medium and the new expansive digital platform. Because Netflix is a collection of televisual texts from all channels and eras, with films also included in the platform, highly specific adjectival genres are a necessary way to attract, direct, and organize viewers across its vast offerings. Its genres continue to account for

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