Genre and Narrative Establishment in Edward Scissorhands and Sleep Hollow by Tim Burton

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Genre and Narrative Establishment in Edward Scissorhands and Sleep Hollow by Tim Burton

Genre is the French word for 'type'. Type is the kind of text it is.

The genre of a film text may be Sci-Fi, Horror, Action, Romantic,

Comedy, etc. In most films, the genres are combined, this is known as

a 'hybrid genre'. Narrative of a film is the structure or order in

which the plot (sequence of event) is presented to an audience. This

piece of coursework is going to discuss how Tim Burton establishes

genre and narrative in the opening five minutes of two films, 'Edward

Scissorhands' and 'Sleepy Hollow'.

Timothy William Burton was born in Burbank, California, USAon August

25th in 1958. He was not very good in school but found pleasure in

painting, drawing and movies. He loves monster films such as Godzilla,

and Vincent Price was one of his heroes. Vincent Price was an actor.

He worked with Tim Burton when Tim became a director. Be fore he

became a director, he was animator. Vincent Price sadly died in 1993.

Tim tends to use dark colours in his films and is also known to be


There is always music in a film at least one type. Music creates

effect In Edward Scissorhands, the music in the beginning is choral.

Choral mean 'to be sung by a choir'. This is informs the audience that

it is a Holy time such as Christmas. It is very spiritual and the

atmosphere is heavenly. In the same way, the music in Sleepy Hollow is

also choral; however it makes the audience think of death or a sad

time rather than a good, peaceful time like in Edward Scissorhands.

Although it is heavenly, the tone and the pitch of the choir sound

kind of sad and the vi...

... middle of paper ...

...ul area in danger of some sort? Why is a hill like that, near a

Suburbia area like this? The mansion is introduced in this scene by an

Avonlady who after having a bad day selling her product saw the hill.

The camera shot is from the perspective of the woman looking through

the side mirror in her car. This tells us immediately that the woman

is an important person in the film.

Tim Burton has succeeded in establishing the genre and narrative in

the opening five minutes of the two films. The way he used music in

the beginning, the way he directed what is to be said (the dialogue)

and the use of lighting, colours and camera shots are very

professional and it shows that Tim Burton thought well on how he

establishes genre and narrative in just the opening five minutes of

films. He has shown that he thought of his audience.

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