Star Girl Hero's Journey

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Liam Kennedy Mr. Brown Period 5 Star Girl Hero’s Journey The first part of the Hero’s journey begins in the ordinary world. In the book, Star Girl, the protagonist Leo’s ordinary world is his high school where there are no leaders and all students act the same. Although Leo is different than the others, he keeps to himself. The next part of the hero’s journey is the call to adventure. After seeing Star Girl in school everyday for some time, Leo begins to have a crush on Star Girl and thinks about her often. Leo refuses this call by telling his school show co-host, Kevin, that they shouldn’t have Star Girl on the show, although Kevin wants her on it. Leo refuses the call again when Star Girl calls him “cute,” and he blushes and says nothing. …show more content…

He gives Leo the advice to ask Star Girl questions and get to know her. The next step in the Hero’s journey is crossing the threshold. For Leo, this is allowing Star Girl to do the school show. After this, there are tests, allies, and enemies, in the hero’s journey. For Leo, he must witness his Crush lose her status and become hated. On top of that Star Girl flirts with him and causes other students to hate Leo for associating with her. Star Girl even tries acting normal to please Leo, but quickly gives up and acts herself. The next part of the hero’s journey is the ordeal. For Leo, the ordeal is ending his relationship with Star Girl, because he believes this is the right thing to do for his own sake. Leo is sad but feels he did the right thing. She attends the dance without Leo and is again accepted by other students. Star Girl then moves away before the school year is over and is not seen again. After this, the hero will seize the sword. In Leo’s case his reward was not positive. He had only the pain of knowing he gave up a relationship for social status and that Star Girl is now gone. Now in the hero’s journey is the road back. For Leo this was his conversation with Archie about Star Girl that followed years

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