Negative Effects Of Parenting

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What is parenting? Parenting has many different definitions depending who is asked, some might say it 's the highlight of their day while others may share how they regret or dread going home, but the real definition of Parenting is; the raising of a child by its parents, or the process of becoming a parent. It is stated within Wikipedia that, “Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.” It also mentions that parenting is including the aspects of raising a child outside the biological relationship. Once understanding what parenting really is it becomes more personalized, as their are many aspects that can change how one parents, such as age, race, religion, financial status, the amount of children, and where one lives. Different parenting styles are also incorporated, these are more general and describe the common traits of the relationships between parent and child while the before factors can be added to the styles and personalize them to each family. There are four styles that are commonly …show more content…

Children who experience the parenting style of Permissive show lack of self discipline, sometimes poor social skills, may be demanding and self-involved, as well experience insecurities in day to day life. These effects can lead a child to crime, due to having a lack of self discipline and understanding what is morally right and wrong, as well as their social skills can cause problems due to basic interactions in day to day life can cause misunderstanding between peers. Neglectful is commonly known to lead children to delinquent behavior and kids are commonly known to suffer from substance abuse, which can cause even more criminal behavior in their life, such as stealing in order to get money to support their addiction, or even murdering someone due to being under the influence of the

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