Natalie: My Personal Hero

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Natalie is nineteen years old and a student at Del Mar College. She is the youngest of three children and the only girl. She was born in Corpus Christi and has lived here her whole life. Her personal hero is her mom, she enjoys activities like dance, and has a personal goal to finish college and become a dentist. Her mom is her personal hero, because she is caring, makes sure she has everything that she needs, and is always there for her. Natalie’s mom wanted to make sure that she had a stable job that way she would be able to support her family, and wouldn’t have to worry about buying food or clothes for her family, if fact she went to college and is now a dental assistant. If Natalie ever has a problem and needs someone to talk to she knows her mom will always be there for her. No matter what happens between them her mom always shows her nothing, but unconditional love. Dance is an activity that she enjoys because it is fun, and she feels like she can just let go and be herself. Natalie used to do cheerleading, but really wanted to try dance, so she quit cheerleading. When she quit cheerleading she found that dancing was her passion and brought her nothing but joy. When she is dancing she feels like she is able to let go of herself, and not have to think about whatever problems she might be having in her life. When she …show more content…

Some ways she is trying to make this goal a reality is by attending all her classes, doing her homework, and studying for all her tests. She is studying to become a dentist because she wants to help people and make good money, but she also got her inspiration to become a dentist from her mom. Her mother is a dental assistant so that is kind of where she got the idea to become a dentist. However, she also wants a good paying job that allowed her to help people in need, and becoming a dentist is a career where she can have

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