Balancing School And Work

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I remember it clearly, me a 14-year-old kid full of nerves and trepidation it was 6 am on a cold June morning when I was dropped off in front of Allied Fish Cannery. I worked the next 3 months using a snow shovel to scoop fish guts of the cold concrete floor and place them in a 5-gallon bucket. It was hard, physically demanding work that I did for all 3 months of my summer break. My single mother had no money for the school clothes I wanted and by getting a job I earned the money. This first official job gave me a sense of pride and was my first exposure to the world of hard work, therefore I believe that all adolescents can benefit from working a job as it lays the groundwork for a lifelong work ethic, eases the burden of parental contribution and provides a glimpse of the adult working world. …show more content…

Time management, balancing school and work teaches the importance of a strong work ethic. The balance of studies and working teach valuable lessons of showing up, doing your best and reaping the rewards. Being tenacious and focused pays off in the long run and is key to achieving goals in one's life. The feeling of achievement, earning a paycheck from the sweat of one's brow creates a positive feedback loop, work, do a good job and receive a paycheck to be used for the things one needs or desires. A strong work ethic will serve one throughout thier life in many ways, starting in high school provides an early foundation for a successful

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