Myopia Case Study Essay

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The patient is a 43 year-old female insurance sale agent who came to the clinic for annual eye examination. She complained from symptoms of ocular irritation and burning when she wakes up in the morning. She felt ocular dryness in the afternoon and the eyes look red. She has also noted different height of her eyelids when putting make-up on. She denied significant problems with driving, TV watching, computer use or reading. She also denied flashes, floaters or diplopia. The patient was myopia with no prior eye surgeries, previous history of eye trauma, amblyopia or strabismus. She did not use any medication. The past ocular family history was negative. Social history was negative, too.
Regarding to the ocular examination, the patient's visual acuity without optical correction (spectacle) was good 20/20 in both eyes. IOP measurements was 18 mmHg on the right eye and 16 mmHg in the left eye. The pupil was equal, round and reactive to light with no afferent pupillary defect in both eyes. In extarocular movement test, there was limited downward gaze with …show more content…

Treatment depends on signs and severity of disease. These treatments include artificial tears, surgery, glucocorticoids, immunomodulators and prisms. Artificial tears can be used for corneal exposure and associated dryness. In severe lid retraction, eyelid surgery can be considered. Orbital congestion and optic neuropathy can be treated by high dose glucocorticoids. Steroid-sparring agents and additional immunomodulators (cyclosporine, azathioprine) are also used. Sometimes, surgical decompression of the orbit is necessary to prevent severe exophthalmos and optic nerve compression. If patients have diplopia secondary to muscle enlargement and fibrosis, prisms and then strabismus surgery are needed after the inflammatory response is controlled. Eyelid surgery is suggested in patients that have severe exposure due to a fibrotic levator

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