Myers-Briggs Test

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I have taken Myers-Briggs test several times in South Korea. This is because I wanted to know who I am and overcome myself. My childhood was very reserved from my father’s alcoholism, which made me shrunk with fear for my father. From this, my personality that had been formed was passive to have a relationship with other classmates. In addition, I had suffered a stage fright for a long time until graduating the graduate school in South Korea. It was not easy to overcome my introverted personality. However, when I chose the path of a pastor, I decide to change my personality. When I started to serve a youth ministry in a church, I had to lead over 200 people as leader, and my very introvert nature had made difficult for me to have good relationships with the congregation. Hence, I have invested a lot of time looking back at myself to overcome them. Therefore, I took Myers-Briggs test to know who I am first. While I took the instrument several …show more content…

He said that my first strength is to encourage others at any time and to always create a positive atmosphere. Second, I have a wide range of tolerance to embrace others, reducing friction and stress that can occur in the church. My weakness from him is that I cannot criticize or advise others even though there are times when I need to critique and counsel. Conclusion Through my assessment and interview, I can see more who I am. As a person who has ISFP personality, my strengths and weakness are very similar with between the assessment and interview. Two pastors I interviewed have a similar opinion about my weakness that I am very indecisive. And, from the assessment, one of my major weakness is that I am very unplanned. For me, these two weaknesses are very similar. I would be unplanned because of being indecisive, and I would be indecisive due to being unplanned. During this semester, I want to overcome these unplanned and indecisive

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