My Writing Experience

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) My earliest memory of writing is from kindergarten when we had to rewrite a story that the teacher wrote on the whiteboard. I remember not really liking it because of how long it took me to write one sentence. I remember feeling so defeated because I once wrote the wrong story all together. Everyone in my class made fun of me as a result. I love writing now but during my early years I really hated it because of that writing practice.

2) Thinking of a time that really was a turning point for me was in the last summer. I got a letter in the mail with information about a travel opportunity. I was automatically intrigued when i was the destination was Washington, D.C. All that was required was a one page paper about the changes I would make …show more content…

I have a voice and I tend to use my voice in a positive way. I speak at education conferences promoting diversity in schools and educating people on the benefits that the Ute Tribe gives to the community. I personally talk about stereotypes and how you have to look at the bigger picture that people offer. In my experiences with public speaking, it is easier for me to to write down what I am feeling so that can better convey my feelings. On page 10, third paragraph down, it states, "It's okay to write badly. Resist the tendency to judge too soon and too harshly." I identify with this statement so much. With the academic standard set so low at our school, I have this constant fear that I am writing my papers wrong or that I'm not preforming the task assigned. Also under section, Being Willing to Write Badly, Bellenger says that we have a voice that, " has you crossing out that first sentence or that first paragraph over and over." In my case, my tiny voice is one that nit-picks and has me rewrite the whole paper because someone laughed at the way I phrased something. I believe that my writing lacks confidence, and when I public speak a small amount of confidence is required. The key is to success for both is breathing and taking a step

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