My Ropes Project

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I had two goals for my ROPEs project, and that was to do community service, as well as to accomplish thirty hours of it. Fortunately, I had succeeded in reaching my goal but, it was very difficult to do so. Community service was my choice for the ROPEs challenge, and I set the goal of thirty hours. I had completed these two tasks because I felt as if no one helps neighbors, friends, or family around our community. To give back was not only to feel good about myself, or to complete my project, it was because I wanted to show that if one person could make a difference, then others could too. It is just something I wish to do further on in my life even after the ROPEs project is over. What I hoped to gain from this experience was the ability …show more content…

It made me realize that even I think about always being a better person. I basically learned not to be selfish and lazy which will help me in life with so many things. For example, I had helped motion runners at the five k run in Modesto, which helped learn new things. It helped me because I had woke up at five in the morning that day and went to set up at the five k run also I never cheered others on during sporting events but when I was volunteering I would cheer the runners on and give them motivation as they ran by which made me not only think about myself. All of the things I did for my project help me not be selfish and not to be lazy. When I had cleaned an office, programed computers, and washed semi-trucks all around for about twelve hour it helped me a lot. It helped me because it had taught me to be patient by waiting for the computers to program and also for the trucks to get warmed up because some of the trucks were old and if the engine was not warmed up the coil would get rusty. It also taught me to be lively because doing these things two days in a row for a total of twelve hours should have gotten me tired because I was climbing the top of trucks and then coming back down but it did not make me tired it felt like it was a great day of cardio and upper body workout. Another thing that I did for my project was help out at the temple. This helped me learn new things because I was not selfish enough to only throw my food away but I would take the trash out and go to all the tables and when people were done eating take their plates and throw them away for them also. I had picked up trash from the parks around me and from around my neighborhood and I had learned that I was helping the community be a better place and I was making a difference I learned that not only did I learn something

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