My Philosophy of Education

859 Words2 Pages

My Philosophy of Education

The obstacle of finding a career is something we are all faced with at one time or another. Fortunately for me, I found this decision to be a very easy one, because I have a love for teaching. The decision of my career was clear. I was going to become a teacher.

The nature of students, or at least most students, is to learn and master problem-solving abilities in order to be a successful adult. I believe the student’s nature is ever changing, therefore, in that perspective, I agree mostly with progressivism. People are natural explorers, and the mind of the human is designed for problem solving.

One person whose views I share is John Dewey, who is the founder of progressivism. Mr. Dewey said the schools should teach children how to think with “continuous reconstruction of experience”. Schools should not teach children what to think but how to think through a continuous reconstruction of experience. I also agree with Mr. Dewey that students should be given the power to make decisions on issues that will affect them. Participation of decisions, in life makes for a well-rounded student and adult.

Knowledge must continually be redefined and rediscovered to keep up with the change. You can listen to the older generations and how they were taught and how the generation of today is taught. The older generation used small black boards to write on; where as today, the generation has computers to help in their education. The nature of ...

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