My Adventures in My Blue Chair

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The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” -Albert Einstein

I’m a born wanderer. A rather untraditional wanderer considering that I spend the majority of my time sitting in the same blue fold out chair, located in the center of the room whose walls I’ve seen so often that I could recite every pattern, light, fixture, outlet, detail, and obstructed surface, to an audience of inattentive listeners in the form of a lengthy narrative, with an all inclusive originally composed background soundtrack.

Untraditional but destination bound nonetheless. I think a lot. Mostly about Mars, my life, what I’m going to do next. Being lost in thought is a sanctuary. A way of detaching myself from the outside world, a way of forgetting about my problems.

Mars is an interesting topic for me, it represents an upcoming change in human engineering- a change in our thinking. Sitting in my blue chair, I ask myself questions. What do we do with our little red planet? Do we colonize it? Make it like our Earth? Or do we ignore it,...

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