My Personal Self Assessment

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Focus of assessments
The focus of my self-assessments was to help me find out more information about myself and what would be a good career for me. Even though I have made a decision about a career and have put a lot of time and money going into my career, I feel like there are still a lot of options for me. There are many different environments and different populations that I could choose to work with. In doing numerous assessments, I am hoping to learn more about myself and validate what I think that I know to be true about myself. Both career and personality assessment would be useful to me.
Self –Assessments After taking all the assessments I learned a little more about myself and the careers I might like and also validated some …show more content…

This revealed that I am a defender. My code was ISFJ. Some of the things the code pointed out is that I have excellent analytical abilities, well-developed people skills and robust social relationship and I am judging. It suggest that I am open to change and new ideas. I would say that is true most of the time.
People with this personality type are more than this, it suggest that your strengths really make up who you are. Some of the strengths this inventory pointed out were supportive, reliable, patient, loyal, hardworking, and enthusiastic. One thing that stuck out to me was the quote, “they are able to help others one-on-one without having to worry about corporate politics.” This really seemed to be very true to me. A lot of what was talked about in this inventory was the desire to help others and not need to be recognized for it. This can lead to underplaying their …show more content…

At the lowest level of things I value are income and being recognized for what I do. That matches up with the sixteen personality inventory. Among the top are working in a comfortable environment and having supportive coworkers. The workplace is my top value along with accomplishment, which is having a feeling that what I do is important. Some of the careers that were pinpointed were social work, human resources, bookkeeping, and medical assistant.
Summary of Career Options
After taking all these assessments, there are a lot of career choices and many that were repeated through each inventory. The career choices that are suggested are social work, human services, bookkeeping, medical assistance, lawyer, instrument musician, counselor, surgeon, technical support, interior design, family and community support, early childhood development and teaching.
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