My Passion For A Scholarship Essay Example

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I intend to major in political science. My passion for politics began in my freshman year of high school when I first experienced the social injustice and poverty that I had been sheltered from all my life. I grew up in affluence. My father was a doctor and our family enjoyed the comforts of upper middle class. Due to a stroke of fate, I was one of 10 students sent to a suburban high school by lottery system that was recently implemented to encourage equality. It was a culture shock to say the least. I will never forget the day that I visited my friend Kwan's house for lunch. It was a one room studio built during the Korean War. In that small room lived Kwan and four others. Electricity, warm water, and countless other things I took for granted were commodities for him. There was little government nor humanitarian efforts to help them get back on their feet. If this is how we as a nation treat our veterans and the less fortunate, how can I have pride in my motherland? I made a vow then that I shall see this injustice undone and I have never looked back since. …show more content…

So I came to the land of the free and home of the brave. I really wanted to get hands on experience with politics, so I volunteered for the Santa Clara Democratic party for 2014 local election. I met the candidates, learned about their agenda and the political climate and even gave suggestions. I suggested that candidates focus on making public appearances in the election district in order to create a stronger connection with the constituents, which was taken really

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