My Mission Trip To Christianity

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I accepted Christ as my savior when I was about six years old. It is one of my most vivid memories from that age. Although, when I got older there have been times of wondering if I was too young for such a big decision, I think back to that day and recall knowing exactly why I had made that decision. I loved Jesus and wanted to dedicate my life to him and that still applies for today. Growing up I was given many opportunities to study the bible and further my understanding of God and his ways. I remember a time in my eight grade year of school, I attended a Christ In Youth Believe conference and during that short weekend learned what it meant to let go of myself and worship God. In that moment I had gained a new understanding of God and what it meant to …show more content…

There were a few years after high school where I was getting tired of the church and, what I considered waiting on God. I got into some bad situations until I received at text asking if I wanted to lead a study at the women's group at my church. Knowing I was not in a good place spiritually to lead others, I declined the offer but agreed to attend the study. It was during one of those sessions God sent me a wake-up call and the only thing I could think of to fully get out of my situation was to run away. So in January of 2015, I signed up for a mission trip to Romania. It was about four months between my wake up call and actually leaving the country. During that time the fight with myself to follow God or go my own way did not go as well some days as it did others. Then I could finally get away from people, expectations, and burdens of everyday life. I had tried going on mission trips to get that "Jesus high" before, but it had never worked. This trip was different because I actually listened to Him instead of listening to myself. I also got encouragement from the team that had traveled with me something I hadn't gotten in a long time. The team that I had gone to Romania with happened to

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