My Migration To America

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Throughout history there as my migration all over the world. People looking for more opportunities for their families. The Philippines and America has been connecting for a long time. It takes one person to go to the unknown to lay a foundation for others to follow. Filipino culture in my perspective goes around the idea of family honor.

I been living in the United States for almost two decades nineteen years to be exact. My family came to the United States in January 9 1999. I was only Five years old when we came here. Until this day I have not yet returned to the Philippines. I basically grew up here in America. My family originated from the country of Philippines where I was born. As a child I did not remember much. The places, buildings …show more content…

The year was 1998 my father lived with my uncle Conrado in Hercules CA. There, my father faced many challenges. Not just with the culture but as well his brother's wife. It was tough my father did not know what to do. He was sharing to me that he did not know what he got himself in to. A month later my aunt and cousin joined my father in America and they contacted some family friends in the bay area. There is where they found a job and manage to get an apartment working together. There was more obstacle but yet they stick together and got through. My father sees America as an opportunity not just him but fort his children. In the Philippines my father was a sergeant for Philippine Airforce. He served twenty years in the field and retired in 1993. But being in the military was not enough to provide to his family and that is why my father seek to go to America. My other two aunts soon join my father the four siblings got a house in Santa Clara CA. In January of 1999 was the time frame we were set to go to America. My mother had a lot of paper works to file and we had to go the back and forth to the embassy. And on the 9th day of January we set off to go to America. I was only five not knowing what was going on. At that moment it was just an adventure and I did not realize I not going back. Soon I became happy when I saw my father. My family was back together as well as my aunts and uncles. It seemed like we were one big family. Another beginning in the land of

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