My Medical Choice Essay

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Angelina Jolie's “My Medical Choice” describes her experience with breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She wanted to lower her chances of getting these cancers and decided to have a mastectomy. This treatment, this gave the actress the chance of living longer, be able to spend more time with her children and family, and continue her everyday duties. Angelina believes women who show a risk for these cancers should get a mastectomy and for women who are unaware if they are at risk for these cancers should get tested because it can save their lives and it would benefit them and their loved ones, as well. She uses her experience, emotions, and logic to persuade her audience that her medical choice was the right choice in order to control her life. Angelina wrote 'My Medical Choice' to shed light to the fact that she had …show more content…

This is where she establishes credibility to her argument. During the time when she was going through mastectomy procedures she had to keep “private and carry on” working (Jolie, par.6). This shows that she continued to do her job by not letting her medical condition distract her. Angelina knew after the procedure was done that she will be able to work harder by continuing what she needs to do. In the end, this makes the audience believe that getting a mastectomy was the right choice to continue her work life. Angelina uses pathos to appeal to her audience emotions by describing how it affects her family life. She refers to her children being uncomfortable and fearing for her life when they see the “small scars”from her mastectomy (Jolie,par.12). The emotions she is stating is sympathy and support. Angelina wants the audience to know that they should consider their loved ones so they can spend more time with them. There loved ones will know they are making sure they are in good condition, and know there won't be any problems

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