My Literacy Identity In Where The Wild Things Are

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Individuals in our lives affect who we are, much the same as books can shape our personality, beliefs, and point of view. The people that have impacted me the most in becoming a diligent reader and writer are my parents, teachers, and librarians. My rationale behind this, is that they would recommend so many books to me and much of the time I would enjoy them. Individuals and literature have shaped my literacy identity.
This paper really takes me back to my childhood memories when my parents read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Arthur, and many other fascinating books to me. Each book has really influenced me on becoming a successful reader, writer, and user of the language. Entering my middle school years, my preferences changed. Currently, the …show more content…

It is about a boy named Max, and his mom sends him back to sleep without be given dinner because he did something wrong. He then falls asleep and his bedroom is transformed into a forest surrounded by a huge ocean. Whenever I bring up this book in front of my mom, she becomes emotional and tells me how much she loves those times. On the other hand if I tell my dad about this book, he wouldn’t even remember a thing. I tell him, “If my mom still remembers that day, then you should remember it too.” Dad responds, “Sure whatever your mom says.” With Where the Wild Things Are, my mom would come up with different activities to get me involved. Once when I was about four, my mom changed up the layout in my room while I was sleeping, like what happened in the book. When I got up the next morning, I was scared because I wasn’t used to the layout and I also thought that I was somewhere else. I was crying out, “Mom and dad.” From that point I started to write stories about how I was scared. Several years later, I still enjoy writing stories, essays, and anything. Some people might think that writing stories is boring, but for me it is not. When I was growing up, I would write every week about any topic, and I would show it to my parents. For my completion, I would get a treat or something delicious. All in all, I was really attached to writing, and I will always enjoy the creativity of

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