Analysis Of The Fashion Industry: Free To Be An Individual

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Berry, Hannah. “The Fashion Industry: Free to Be an Individual.” The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings and Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2013. 52-57. Print. In the article, “The Fashion Industry: Free to Be an Individual” by Hanna Berry, Berry discusses how for decades women have been told to use certain products and that if they used those products they would be beautiful. Women over the years have believed this idea and would purchase items that promised to make them prettier, thinner, smarter and even more loved. However, in reality it was never what they wore on their bodies that helped them be any of those things; but what it did help with was to empower women to become fearless and bold by what they chose to wear on their bodies as a form of expression. The article focuses on Individualization and uniqueness and how it has begun to find its way into current advertisements. By allowing a woman to express her individuality it shows boldness, fearlessness, and confidence and that is refreshing in today’s world of fashion. …show more content…

Initially in the article, Liz Lemon’s character was really loved by the viewers. However, viewers are upset about the direction the show is going in, because they used to feel as if Lemon was the heroine, but now they feel as if she is just a dumb pathetic baby. Nausbaum does not agree with the viewers and feels Liz Lemon, is “something way more interesting: a strange, specific, workaholic, NPR-worshipping, white-guilt-infected, sardonic, curmudgeonly, hyper-nerdy New Yorker” (Nussbaum 58). Lemon is starting to become a self-pleaser rather than a people pleaser and begins to embrace her individuality. This article speaks on how women need to embrace their individuality, by being who they are inside, and allowing that to show in every aspect of their lives no matter what others

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