My Life Forever Essay

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Have you ever felt like your life was perfect? Like nothing in your life at that point in time can go wrong? Where someone becomes the center of your universe? Thinking that nothing will break you two up? At that point in life that’s your forever. Well that 's how I felt a year ago when my life was at its best point. May seventh 2014 changed my life forever. I was madly in love with my ex-boyfriend, Gaby. He was the most beautiful person I 've met that year. We had our honeymoon stage, where we couldn 't live without each other. Our love was at its strongest point. Then there was the true color stage where we loved each other but everything went wrong. We started to see each other for who we truly were. Then there was the final stage, the breakup stage. That was …show more content…

I could honestly say Gaby was my safe haven when I didn 't have one. He made me believe that everything would just go away. I believed that no matter what we went through we would get through it. I got butterflies in my stomach every time he told me he loved me. I fell in love with him more and more each day. He made me feel like a queen. Dating him felt like nothing bad could ever happen. Gaby always spoiled me, whether it was with gifts or just by making me feel like a princess. When we’d go out the feeling I felt was perfect. I loved being able to show off what a great man I had by my side. It felt like a forever thing because in my head I couldn’t see myself without him in my life. Despite the little arguments our relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me. Sometimes on our worst days he 'd come home with flowers and pizza and I 'd just think everything went away. That the arguments we 'd had meant nothing at that moment. There were times where we rarely argued. But when we did we always saw a way to fix it before it got worst. I mean every relationship is supposed to have arguments. It’s getting passed the argument that’s the hard part. If we’d argue it wouldn’t last more than five

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