My Leadership Experience In The Boy Scouts Of America

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I am lucky enough to say that I have had a variety of leadership opportunities and experiences in my life that have led me to be the person I am today. Many of these experiences came from involvement in wrestling, Boy Scouts of America, volunteer projects, friendships, and different employment opportunities. I recurrently underestimate the degree of impact these experiences have had on my life. Although a considerable amount of these have been positive experiences, some of them have definitely been quite challenging. But all have played their part in molding and shaping my personality and values. One of the decidedly critical parts of my development has been wrestling. I have established various skills and values throughout my multiple years of wrestling in middle school, high school, and now college. Wrestling has …show more content…

I was involved with scouts from the tender age of eight until I achieved my Eagle Scout Award just before I turned eighteen. In scouts, I established a greater respect for nature, basic wilderness survival skills, and team organizational skills. The high point of my time spent in BSA was planning and executing my Eagle Scout Project. My plan was to refurbish a local elementary school’s nature trail. This project required communication with numerous school district authorities, machine rental businesses, and several other people and organizations. I also had a tremendous turnout of volunteers when it came to executing my project. Nearly all of the helpers were recruited from my church, family, and friends. With the cooperation of so many willing hands, the entire project was finished in just three fleeting hours. This made me realize how paramount leadership really is. A considerably large project can be simplified and done incredibly quickly if a leader simply brings the right people together to tackle the

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