My Future Teacher: My Experience In Highlands Elementary School

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As I stood outside listening to instructions before entering Highlands Elementary School, which is dedicated to educate any students that walk through their door, I was having mixed emotions.. As a future teacher, I was excited because it was going to be such an amazing experience to be in a classroom with kids and being able to teach them but as a regular student, I was nervous because I did not know if the kids were going to like me, whether or not, I would be able to make a difference in their day. There was a great group of staff there that were really kind and amazing and gave me the impression that they all love the kids that attend school there. As we got inside I was really praying that I would be assigned to a first grade classroom but instead I heard my name called for one of the third grade classes. I was a little bit disappointed but I trusted in God and I knew he was going to put me somewhere where he could use me for his service.
My job was to read to a group of three students and help them take a quiz on each book they read at the end. So, as I got into the …show more content…

Even more, God has called everyone to do service. When he was here on earth, Jesus was always looking out for the good of others, teaching or healing them without getting paid. If someone call themselves Christians, God expects service from them, God expects us to go and make the changes in people’s lives. Service is showing that you care about the others around you. There are so many blessings that come with doing service, the lives of so many people get touched just by a simple act of kindness. The things I taught these kids that day might be taught by them to others they know and the many people I was able to touch just by simple words, I might never know but being able to do service is a gift from God, being able to go on Agape day revived my spirit and it reminded me how much God values me and his

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