My First Dance Research Paper

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I tried to start dance at age 2 because that is what my sister did. At my first dance studio, for the first half of the very first class, the parents could come in and watch for a little to get an idea what the class would be like. So it was the first class and my mom came in to watch for the first half like they said, but then eventually the parents had to leave the room so we could do more. I wasn’t too happy with that because I was very attached to my mom when I was younger. I was screaming crying because I didn’t want my mom to leave the room even though she was going to be right outside the doors. She then had to take me out of the whole class because I wouldn’t stop crying. I didn’t think that my mom would ever try to put me back in another …show more content…

But then I moved houses so I needed to find a new studio closer to where I lived. And once I found that studio my sister and I fell in love with it. We did competition so we would go and compete against other studios and our studio did about three competitions a year. A few years later when I was a sophomore in High School, I had my first solo ever. I was so excited that I got the opportunity to have it but I was so scared. I was scared because I was going to have to dance by myself and I wasn’t used to it at all. I was very fortunate to get a solo in my sophomore year. I knew that I had to work harder than a lot of people because I wasn’t able to dance every day like everyone else did. I could only dance about two days a week but it was for about four hours each time. I could only dance for two days because I had a part time job at a toy store. I worked very hard that year in dance that year so u could become better and more confident in what I was doing. Even though I have been dancing for basically my whole life I was still very nervous and didn’t want to compete because I thought that everyone was better than me and that is another reason why I had to work harder. It took me a while to become confident in what I was doing. But when I was with my teacher before every competition he always convinced me that I could do it like everyone else.

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