Personal Narrative: Teen Pregnancy

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I was afraid of making the same mistakes as my parents, family members, and peers. I wanted more than my life to result in teen pregnancy. For my family teen pregnancy meant giving up on your dreams, education and freedom. Although my family was the only people surrounding me I believed in a life free from these barriers. Not having anyone to look up to, I weighed a lot of pressure myself to be different. The reminder of my race and family background played a major role in my insecurities of being successful. The lack of diversity in my community inspired me to be more than the person that everyone is expected me to be. Once I begun dancing a world of multiple opportunities were awarded to me and I knew that dancing was going to make me into …show more content…

With the support and advice of my peers, I felt like I was part of a family. I was instantly reminded of dancing at PCD. Dancing with IUP’s pre-professional company I began to notice my confidence and my grades begin to flourish. Being a company member, I was offered numerous opportunities to attend and host annual Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (PSAPHERD) conventions, leadership conferences, lead roles in plays, dance solos, and opportunities to perform with professional dance companies. I’ve also been given numerous opportunities to volunteer to at Girl Scout retreats, annual events for senior citizens, and ballroom dancing with veterans. As a member of IUPDT, I was nominated as a Representative of the Dance program with this position I was able to attend board meetings, professional luncheons, and offered advice when needed. [ß Please correct this comma splice. You must not use a comma to join separate sentences.] Lastly, I was the first African American on the IUPDT Company to be the recipient of the Patricia Lamont Dance Scholarship. Being a recipient of this scholarship paved a way for other minority dancers in the program to receive funding towards their …show more content…

My nephew Jaden Hopkins drove my inspiration for this particular case. Jaden was diagnosed with lead poisoning, which led to many of his psychological, developmental and physical disabilities. Jaden lives his life in the shadows. His lack of communication has made it extremely difficult to understand what is going on, how he is feeling, or the treatment he receives from others. It wasn’t until I noticed his reaction to music that I have begun to better understand him. As he jumped up and down off beat to the music I have begun to notice how happy and free he became, it was almost as if I was looking at a completely different person. Watching Jaden evolve helped me to recognize the healing aspects of movement from a different perspective. I was fortunate to be able to share this intent with my advisor Holly Boda- Sutton. She immediately took me under her wing as she advised and prepared for a career in Dance Movement

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