My Clinical Experience Essay

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Throughout my experience in medicine and medical school, I have observed some interesting similarities between chess, my childhood obsession, and the practice of medicine. From planning and making the correct decision on the chessboard to taking the right action, the practice is different but the ideas are the same. Caring for others is one of the most difficult jobs as you are going to deal with different personalities, races and nationalities. I wanted to do computer science as I grew up but one day I witnessed something that changed my life; I saw that priceless expression on a face of a stroke patient smiling and thanking his doctor for saving his life. When I saw this I realized that is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I was born into a tough life. My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife; life was not easy and I had nothing handed to me on a silver platter. I worked hard but they worked even harder. They put me through medical school and I made them proud when I graduated with an excellent degree in medicine. But for me, the journey was not yet over. My family always placed a great emphasis on hard work, respect, and commitment. I pride myself on the strong work ethics they have instilled in me. I am a committed, energetic and …show more content…

Patient care is becoming more community based and patient-centered approach with the involvement of interdisciplinary approach. There is a great accountability on the quality, value and effectiveness of health care delivery. These changes in the health care system have driven the medical education field toward new educational modalities including simulation sessions and problem based learning which all are replacing traditional lectures. For that reason, my decision to pursue my studies in health profession education is to improve the quality of training and teaching in my

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