Muslims In America

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The definition of a Muslim is an individual in a “state of peace” and/or “a state of submission to Allah” and it is not necessary for an Arab to be a Muslim or a Muslim to be an Arab. As Edward Said has said, America has little experience with Muslims, unlike Europeans who have had colonies in Muslim countries and large Muslim populations in their cities. The lack of exposure of real and peaceful Islam to America has caused Americans to be largely ignorant of Islam. Most of the exposure that westerners get of Muslims and Arabs lies within Hollywood films, where there is no classification or representation of the diversity of the middle east. Arabs and Muslims are seen as the same thing, and films often neglect to show the Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Atheists Arabs that have lived peacefully side by side with Muslims for decades, and if they …show more content…

Although the documentary of “Reel Bad Arabs” does a phenomenal job of pointing out how the western silver screen has dehumanized and villainized Arabs and Muslims, it has failed to show that within the Arab and Muslim world there exists a world just as modern as the Western and European countries. It’s often forgotten that we do have some of the world’s largest shopping malls, tallest buildings, beaches, five star restaurants and hotels, High speed Internet, nice homes, and everything that you could find in a western

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