Musi Music Argumentative Essay

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There is comfort in finding assistance with expression of emotions because this is not always an easy task, especially when struggling to find the appropriate words to say in order to properly do so. Victor Hugo, a popular French writer, is quoted as saying, “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent” (Music, 1). One may have trouble correctly expressing themselves through words. However, inner feelings can prove to be difficult to keep inside, and often find a way of “escaping”. Music can bring out emotions that are hard or even impossible to keep quiet, and reduce the struggles of emotional issues by freely conveying them. It can aid in emotional expression while also helping to lighten the burden of many psychological trials. …show more content…

It also helps with stress and anxiety. Pressure and stress levels can be lowered with the opportunity to focus on something else such as a the tune or lyrics of a song. When being given something to relate to, one can alleviate thoughts of loneliness or isolation. It is important for people to know that others are empathetic in similar circumstances, even if it seems that no one is. The senses of inclusion and self-worth that are offered from music can provide positive outcomes of joy and happiness.
The happiness found through music and rhythm is advantageous for anyone. In a sense, music follows the dynamics of behavior (Juslin, 3.3). The music one listens to can affect one’s behavior as well as mood. Being able to express “good vibes” can bring joy to not only oneself but others around them. Music is an effective way to boost one’s mood (Boothby, 1). This in turn can help to boost the moods of others who may absorb positivity from the behaviors and attitudes of those that are around them. Nevertheless, music does not only improve emotional state, but also mental

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