Importance Of Multicultural Education

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Multicultural education is a form of education that incorporates histories, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds. Multicultural education isn 't just about learning about different cultures. It is about learning to love these different cultures by incorporating them into our own culture, especially in America. Like America, many places in the world are what we call a melting pot of cultures. This just means that there are many different cultures throughout that country. In today’s society, it is so important that we have multicultural education because there are so many different people that we as Americans will encounter throughout our lives through school, jobs, and just everyday life. In knowing …show more content…

As a future teacher I have to treat everyone the same because everyone is at school to do one thing and that is learn. I also have to make sure that my class is treating everyone the same so that they can all receive a great education. In knowing that everyone is different it will help me to understand the misbehavior in some students, and also parental involvement in a students life. I think that teachers can advocate for the multicultural populations by being an example of how multiculturalism can exist in a country. I believe by being an example that teacher will encourage their students, students parents, and coworkers to embrace multiculturalism in society. As a teacher I can promote equality of opportunity for all students through multicultural education by teaching the differences, and being an example for my students so that they can embrace multiculturalism, accept different people in relationships into their lives. It is so important as a future teacher that I do this for my students because my students are going to be around different people for the rest of their lives in school and in …show more content…

I still think that the three R’s are important, but now I also think that it is important to teach multicultural education. Students need to be taught multicultural education because different people are going to be around them for the rest of their lives and they are going to need to know how to connect with them. They need to know how to treat different people fairly and not to discriminate. As a future teacher, I would want to teach my students about different cultures, so they can see the differences in cultures. I would especially like to teach the different culture of the students in my very own classroom because that will help my students connect with that certain student better. In the future I would like to develop into an educator that knows about many different cultures. As of now I do not know much about too many different cultures, so I would like to change that. I want to know about as many cultures as possible so I can better connect with different people, and better connect with future students of different

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