Mr. Holt Case Summary

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Mr. Holt is a 35 year-old, never married BM from Davidson County. Mr. Holt was originally admitted to the main building at MTMHI pursuant to T.C.A. §33-7-301(a) from September 22nd, 2016 to October 7th, 2016 for a forensic evaluation to determine competency and mental condition for the alleged crime of aggravated burglary. Mr. Holt was accused of entering a residence without consent and claiming that he owned the property. He was given a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder – Bipolar Type, and Anti-Personality Disorder and thought to meet the criteria for judicial commitment. At discharge, Mr. Holt was found committable to FSP pursuant to T.C.A. §33-7-301(b) due to making verbal threats against staff and other personnel. He was then committed …show more content…

During this interview, Mr. Holt presented as friendly and cooperative with good attention and eye contact. He was neatly dressed and oriented to person, place, and time. Mr. Holt has a noticeable lower jaw tremor as well as a moderate tremor along his right extremities. He appeared his stated age and was very sociable throughout the interview. He stated that he is ready to transfer to the main building at MTMHI and begin to work toward discharge to a group home in order to participate in more activities and be able to smoke cigarettes. He stated a group home would be his option because he has no residence to return to once discharged. Mr. Holt was able to list his diagnosis and medications although his insight is poor and he feels that the medication may be making him have a mental illness. He stated the medications seem to stabilize his mood and he was able to identify some of his symptoms as when he is sad he feels “real sad” and when he is happy he feels “real happy”. He is currently prescribed Prolixin, Cogentin, Depakote, and Trazadone. He did not express side effects from the current medication regimen other than the tremors and he currently feels that he gets adequate sleep. He denies any current auditory or visual hallucinations for the past 18 months. He expressed that when he does hear voices it is only God talking to him and that all the messages are positive. Mr. Holt expressed at times FSP can be challenging due to the aggressive behaviors of some of the other service recipients. When questioned how he handles these situations he stated he would seek help from the doctor or other staff. He denied having any difficulties with other service recipients during this admission

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