Moving To A New Country Essay

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I feel guilty of leaving you for a bit but it is not a coincidence that the post is under this section. Anyhow, a month of travelling and few technical difficulties later, here I am. I spent a month in Bulgaria, the country I was born in. Before I share in greater details my Bulgarian adventures, I decided to share some thoughts I had while I was there. As an immigrant who came to Canada at the age of 20, I had to overcome many challenges and all of us who left their counties have plenty of colourful stories in that matter. I will save mine for another time but what really this immigrant life left me with is a divided heart. After number of years living in Canada, I definitely consider this place home but I will always have another one back in Bulgaria. …show more content…

What I am trying to say is that it is okay if you do not follow any rules, you consider yourself a citizen of the world as I do, you admire other places as well and still have this very special love with the place your life journey started at. However, I was thinking more on what actually that special love is and what makes it so special after all. Is it coded into our DNA? Well, it is not for sure…rather it is a complex mixture of feelings that arise by all sorts of things - specific places where we grew up; places connected with memorable parts of our life, food, and even certain smells. After all I figured out for myself that the feeling which only home can give me is rooted primarily in the people. They are the soul of every memory we ever had and we will ever going to have. What makes home so dear to our hearts are the people who we spent time-the relatives, the neighbours, the

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