My Journey To Canada

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Who I am today and my story all started to form from the day I sat on a plane to the Great White North back on September 16, 2001. My family’s journey to Canada was a rough trip. We were all alone in a new world ready to start all over, with no language skills fitted for the place or a place to stay. Back then it was only; baby me at the age of two, my bigger brother David who was just turning six and my two lovable parents. However, we made it, moving to Toronto, Ontario. We all managed to find our places in the world until we got suggested to move due to legal reasons a place called Saskatchewan, they told us Saskatoon would be a good place due to it being small and friendly, so we did as we were told. Saskatoon turned out to be just as good …show more content…

Just shortly after moving out, my parents received a letter that our family was finally accepted back to Canada. After six years of waiting, paying and filling out paperwork that David and my parents spent doing day and night, they finally achieved their goal. The time spent on it was long hours for several months and the money behind it was outstanding and David explained to me, “Over the course of 5 and a half years, the family spent approximately $50,000. This includes travelling fees, medical fees, processing fees, representative fees etc.” which number still seemed too low from what I remembered so then I asked my mom and dad, “It costed our family 150,000 dollars since day one to accomplish the journey back to Canada” they explained with an upsetting yet settle tone. Not only money was a lot to give up, but also the time and patience as well. “It took five and a half years. There were times that were extremely busy, when Immigration Canada would request a new document or a new action to be completed and they had very strict deadlines. There were also times when it felt like nothing was happening. Processing times can be very long at times. Countless hours of work went into making all of the events a reality.” Explained my brother in the …show more content…

During my interview with my brother, I asked him what was his biggest sacrifice he had to do in order to come back to Canada “Lots of my childhood. Being the eldest child and the most fluent in English, everybody looked to me for help in all areas of communication. While other kids played outside, there were lots of times where I had to stay inside to make phone calls, send e-mails and fill out forms. Due to the time difference between Canada and Europe, there were frequent cases of me having to handle time sensitive calls over nights, instead of sleeping. I had to grow up and act as an adult long before any of my peers.” My parents also gave up a lot, they left their family behind, friend and all their belonging to start all over again in Canada. Those three have done so much for this whole family, and I couldn’t thank them enough, my brother gave up this childhood, and post secondary for his other siblings including myself, to make the most of our lives. As well as my parents who have done the impossible to come back a restart their lives for now the seventh time from scratch. And did it all only to help their kids and siblings. I’ve only in the past year started to see their point of how they did it all, and I can’t picture any other person able to complete half of what they

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