Moving Abroad

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Suddenly I found myself in a land very different from the one I grew up in. Everything and everyone I once knew is nowhere to be found. I was faced with an unfamiliar world. New home, no friends, and soon enough a new daily routine that I'd eventually get used to. It was probably the hardest task I could have possibly made at that time. The impact on me was huge. Now I know what it means to give up comfort. That moment we decided to move abroad, my life turned into a powerful mix of emotions. The first few weeks I felt excited about the new sights and surroundings around me. Living in a new place was indeed a beautiful, thrilling thing specially in an amazing place were I had a lot of firsts. My first ramen, first sushi, the first cherry blossom to see and most importantly, my first time experiencing another culture. But a month later l found myself tearful and sad. Perhaps this negative feeling was triggered by the sight of the people I left behind, that moment I had to say goodbye not just to friends and relatives but to the streets where my life took place, specially my way of life. I began to feel homesick. It was the smallest thing that triggered it. I would see a program on TV that would remind me of my home country. I missed those little things I never thought I would …show more content…

It doesn't mean I gave up my traditions and culture but rather I became accustomed to the new culture. Not only did it make my everyday life easier but it also taught me to be more adaptable. Getting to experience a different culture, a different society, a different way of living, surely broadened my mind. I learned how other things are done, and after a while, I too had taken to that habit I never thought I'd embrace. I also had gotten to know myself a little better, because I had discovered those things I really believed in, while others are just a tradition of the society I grew up

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