Morocco Research Paper

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In many ways, Morocco is a country in it of itself. It sits onn the northwestern corner of Africa, or in The Maghreb. It is tucked away from the rest of the continent and the world by the soaring Atlas Mountains which sit an at over 7,638 feet tall, in the South East you will find the Sahara Desert, which only engulfs 10 cities with its sand dunes stretching the size of the U.S. Its climate, geography, culture and history are closely related to the Mediterranean Culture than to the rest of the African countries. For this reason tourist and visitors are often shocked by the odd feeling that they visited one of the Mediterranean Countries instead of reaching Africa and more specifically Morocco. In the northern part of the …show more content…

According to the Moroccan government, they own the country of Western Sahara or Western Morocco which claimed independence from Morocco in 1975, They gained complete independence from Western Algeria, and Spain in 1991 after a guerilla fire against Morocco and Western Algeria which resulted in a cease fire. Morocco’s Constitutional Monarchy, it’s ruler being King Mohamed VI, who asended to the throne in 1999 after his father King Hassan II. As a matter of fact, he has a festival every year on the date he ascended to the throne. The King, obviously, has a lifelong kingship, but his cabinet serves a six year term, they are chosen by the Prime Minister and Parliament. His Chamber (or House) of Representatives Serve a five year term, they are elected by the people of Morocco. In the Chamber, there are 180 seats in the Chamber, 90 are reserved for the elected people, 60 are reserved for the women, and 30 are reserved for regular young people. The King is the leader of all branches and the Supreme Court and the Armed Forces, He also appoints the Prime Minister and other important government officials. King Mohamed VI is the richest Monarch in all of Africa, some of his accomplishments is that he worked to improve economic reforms. King Hassan II’s 38-year rule from 1961 to 1999 was characterized by a poor human rights record, decades of imprisonment without trial, and the “mysterious disappearances” of his political opponents. To fix this King Mohamed VI established the IER or the Moroccan Truth & Reconciliation Commission which gives people the right to investigate Human Right Violations. He also added to the Moroccan Constitution amendments and many other constitutional changes to further whittle his power. A very important date is 1956 when Morocco emerged from being ruled over by Spain, to becoming an independent

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