Mommy Makeover Essay

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Mommy Makeover Surgery - Fort Lauderdale
A Mommy Makeover in Fort Lauderdale consists of a combination of procedures that are specifically designed for mothers who want a tighter, firmer body following pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

A Mommy Makeover is tailored to meet the needs of each patient; therefore, the combination of procedures that Dr. John Michael Thomassen recommends to a patient at his Fort Lauderdale office are based solely on the areas of the body that patient would like addressed.

Essentially, a Mommy Makeover brings together several of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available in Fort Lauderdale.

Procedures commonly performed as part of a Mommy Makeover include:

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) …show more content…

Liposuction accomplishes this by removing excess fat deposits; thus, improving the contours and proportions of the body.

Liposuction Surgery During a Mommy Makeover in Fort Lauderdale – The Procedure

1. Anesthesia

During the surgical procedure, patients receive medication to ensure they remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

2. The Incisions

Small, inconspicuous incisions are created through which Dr. Thomassen places a cannula (hollow tube) to perform the liposuction procedure.

3. Sterile Liquid is Infused

To reduce the incidence of bleeding and trauma, a sterile liquid solution is infused into the areas being treated via a cannula.

Dr. Thomassen uses a controlled back and forth motion to loosen the excess fat. Then, this dislodged fat is suctioned out of the body. The fat may be suctioned using a syringe that is attached to the cannula or with a surgical vacuum.


Once the swelling and fluid retention dissipate, patients can see their improved body contour. As long as a patient practices lifestyle that includes regular exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet, the excess fatty tissue should never return; however, if a patient does not maintain a healthy lifestyle weight gain is …show more content…


Patients receive medication to ensure they remain asleep and comfortable throughout their procedure.

2. The Incisions

Dr. Thomassen makes the incisions he uses to place an implant in inconspicuous areas so as to minimize the occurrence of visible scarring. The type of incision necessary depends on the implants’ size, the type of implant being used, the patient’s particular anatomy as well as the patient’s/surgeon’s preference.

3. Implant Insertion and Placement

The breast implant can be placed submuscularly or subglandularly/submammary. A subglandular/submammary placement involves placing the implant over the pectoral muscle, directly behind the breast tissue; whereas, submuscular placement refers to inserting the implant into a pocket under the pectoral muscle. The insertion and positioning method Dr. Thomassen uses depends on the degree of enlargement a patient desires, the type of implant being placed and the patient’s particular body type.

4. Closing the Incisions

Dr. Thomassen uses layered sutures to close the breast tissue. He uses skin adhesive, surgical tape and/or sutures to close the skin. As time passes, the incision lines become less

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