Modern Love Obsession

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In both Modern Love a fictional piece and The Entire History of You, the underlying theme that runs through is obsession. The theme of obsession is explored uniquely in the respective pieces. In Modern Love, T. C. Boyle explores two forms of obsession- one through Breda’s obsession with cleanliness. This is seen in the scene after they watch the boy in the bubble and she says, “What a life, what a perfect life. Don’t you envy him?” with reference to his isolation from the outside and the speaker’s obsession with Breda. In The Entire History of You, Liam was obsessed with finding the truth of the situation, without understanding why he was so obsessed and how he would react to the truth if it was what he feared. Liam obsesses over Fi’s past among many other things and the technological advancement makes it easy for him to confirm those suspicions. Directly analysing the writer’s ideas, I did not think the memory chip was far off from what humans do already. From what I heard in the movie it was clear that you could alter some memories and eliminate some the only thing you could not do was add ones that do not exist. Humans already alter memories …show more content…

Liam obsesses over Fi’s past among many other things and the technological advancement makes it easy for him to confirm those suspicions. Another underlying idea I noticed was how some of the characters live in the past and hold on to past memories; Liam is the biggest offender here yet. However, the whole memory chip idea is what paves way and makes it easy for the characters to continue to relive past memories they have had which is an unhealthy form of behaviour especially if it is holding the individual back in some ways. In Liam’s case living in the past put him in frenzy and he blew up violently as a result of being able to refer to the past, not just his own but his

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