Model Family Essay

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The concept of family has change a lot over the past decides. Not only this, but the notions of family are very different depending on the countries, but the idea of a family (mother, father, children) has remained the same. In the 1950 's the normal American family consisted of a breadwinner father, homemaker mother, and several children, all living in homes in the suburbs on the outskirts of a larger city. It was a narrow view of a model family, yet it saturated the media and was widely accepted as the ideal and most normal. Now a days, a family can be anything, form a single mother raising her boy, to a gay couple raising adopted children. The myth of the “Model Family” does not persist to this day because gender roles have changed allot since the 1950s, the involvement of technology and devices in the house, and children are now raised by a variety of caring adults. First, gender roles have changes allot. Women no longer do all the housework, and men are not always the only breadwinners of the family. These roles have changed all over the world. Now men and women go to work and win money in more than one job. Since the economy has changed, now more money is needed to maintain a family. This also …show more content…

These notions all change depending on the country or culture. In the 1950s, the idea of a family was a breadwinner father, a house-working mother, and some children and even a pet. Now, families are much more diverse and culturally intertwined. The myth of the “Model Family” does not persist to this day because gender roles have changed allot since the 1950s. Not only do women’s roles in family have changed, but men have also had a slight adjustment. The involvement of technology and devices in the house has created one the biggest changes in families. Children are now raised by a variety of caring adults, including homosexuals, interracial, nannies, adoptive, and single

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