Minority Report Technology Essay

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The world of Steven Spielberg’s The Minority Report gives us a good idea of how fast technology can evolve to make the world a better or worse place. This dystopian society features amazing technology such as holograms and high tech cars that today are only just in development, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. The most impressive advancement is the creation of pre-crime, a system that has become most effective in this society. Introduction to such advancements could truly make the world a better place, but at what cost? The most prominent technology in Minority Report is pre-crime. Pre-crime is a system where the police can detect crimes before they happen, especially murder, to stop it. This wouldn’t be possible without the help of the precogs, three humans with special gifts of reading the future. They work as a hive mind, only able to use their powers when they are with each other. Although this system is amazing, it can be exploited by people with power, allowing them to …show more content…

One would think that they are comfortable with the technology being introduced to save lives or make them easier. An example is the pre-crime or even something as simple as the personalized hologram. One downside to all of this is with technology comes government surveillance, which isn’t fictional. It is happening in our modern day world and many people don’t like it. So in the movie, there are bound to be people who don’t agree with this surveillance. Others may simply not like the increased dependency on technology and these negative feelings are justified. If we continue to depend on technology to a point where it does everything for us, how will we be able to think for ourselves. I think there should be some balance to the gap between human lives and technology so that we don’t end up like some of the mindless people in the story by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit

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