Minimally Invasive Operation Essay

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In the past two decades, minimally invasive surgery has become a topic circling both the medical and technological fields. A minimally invasive operation is a general surgical method that uses small incision sites and robotic tools, often equipped with cameras, to perform operations without opening up the large body cavity. These operations are mostly localized to the abdominal region, within both the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts (Fuchs, 2002). Experts in both the medical and technological fields have developed minimally invasive surgical methods to make surgery less physically and mentally exhausting for both patients and surgeons alike. By utilizing the power of robotics and engineering, as well as known information about the human body, these experts found a way to perform these operations while minimizing post operational side effects. These operations are safer and easier than open-cavity procedures, while also reciprocally allowing for further advancements each in both the medical and technological fields. Minimally invasive surgery proves to be much safer than regular open cavity surgery. Shorter operation times and smaller incision sites equate to shorter hospital stays and lower …show more content…

Despite the learning curve that often afflicts surgeons who trained in traditional open-cavity operation methods, using robotics and machinery gives them increased precision and dexterity in their operations, and in turn, fewer errors (AORN, 2017). However, the investment in the technology allows for physicians to utilize microinstruments that connect to computer systems, converting surgical acts into digitized data (Marescaux et al, 2001). This data can be translated into imaging that can be transmitted and shared among the medical community (Fuchs, 2002). While this has no direct effect on patients, this development betters the medical community as a

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