Militarization Of Police

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Militarization of American Police
Without any warning heavily armed men destroy the door of a perfectly normal looking home. The men are outfitted in wartime attire with guns that are reminiscent of those sent over to Iraq. Before the men enter the house one throws a flashbang grenade into the home, destroying this hardworking family’s living room. This may sound far-fetched or dystopian, however, this type of thing has become the reality of many an American. Through an examination of threats to public safety, racial profiling, and the wasting of taxpayer dollars it is clearly evident that the militarization of United States police has to stop. In this country, the lives of the innocent are supposedly valued, but the actions of …show more content…

313 African Americans were killed by police brutality in 2012 alone (Chavez). Police should not be killing citizens unless completely necessary. 313 people are too many people to kill a year, let alone have all 313 people be of the same race. An extreme example of racism in America is Ferguson where 93 percent of arrests were African American despite African Americans only making a third of the population (Apuzzo). This trend by police is not acceptable in American society. Were these police officers regular citizens that had justifiably killed that many people they would have seen jail time and other repercussions. This aggressive targeting of black men and women is yet another reason that the United States police force has to cease being …show more content…

Reports say that NYPD officers targeted mosques in the areas like they would target a criminal organization (Judd). Innocent people just attempting to worship were being targeted harshly. This targeting of Muslims is completely unfair. Christians wouldn’t be targeted in the same way and, in fact, have not been targeted in the same way. Communities of color, in general, are targeted aggressively t combat drug possession, trafficking, and use (Dansky). Instead of targeting areas that have a past of being very crime ridden these cops are aggressively targeting these communities. Communities, where white crime is high, are not being targeted nearly as aggressively as the communities with people of color living within them. In fact, the most American group of people in America are being unjustly targeted as well. In November and December 6 Native Americans were killed by police (Remle). In two months, six people of one racial group were killed by cops. This number is absolutely absurd. Especially when it is considered that less than 1 percent of the population is Native American ("State & County QuickFacts.”). There is an utter disparity in the number killed and the percentage of the population that group of people makes up. The aggressive targeting of communities of color as a whole is another reason that police militarization has to

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