Meiosis Research Paper

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Meiosis, what a discovery! Meiosis was originally discovered in sea urchin eggs in 1876 by German biologist Oscar Hertwig. This year, 1883, it was well understood at the level of chromosomes by the Belgian zoologist Edouard Van Beneden, in Ascaris roundworm eggs. Most of you probably don't know what it is. Meiosis is a type of cell division that creates four haploid cells, each containing genetic material from the parent cell. This process occurs in sexually reproducing eukaryotes. This parent cells or gamete is a sperm cell or an egg cell depending on gender. In this process you have a parent cell that has forty-six chromosomes, centromeres, and chromatids that end up with four haploid cells that contain twenty-three chromosomes, centromeres, …show more content…

This brings us to metaphase II. In this stage the chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate in the cell's center waiting to be pulled to the other side. Anaphase II consists of the sister chromatids and chromosomes separate. The spindles will pull the sister chromatids to the opposite pole. Lastly comes telophase II where the nuclei from at both poles and the spindles start to break down and the nuclear membrane start to form. Lastly is cytokinesis that separates these two cells to four haploid cells that contain half the genetic material. The end product is four cell that have each twenty-three chromosomes and chromatids. This only happens in the gametes or sex cells that are eukaryotic because it must a have membrane-bound nucleus. Meiosis is important because this keeps our species going, and makes us not to be extinct. Without this we wouldn't be able reproduce because when a sperm comes to fertilize an egg they combine to have a full forty-six chromosome cell that will go through the process of maturing to be a zygote and then an embryo. Meiosis occurs when a germ or gamete goes through interphase and then the process of meiosis I and

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