Describe, In-Depth Stages Of Development From Conception To Birth

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1.1 Describe, in-depth, stages of development from conception to birth in groups of 4 weeks i.e. 0-4, 4-8, 8-12...36-40 weeks. Even before women know they’re pregnant important changes are already happening in their bodies. The first week of conception the zygote this is when the egg and sperm join it now has divided into many cells. Within two weeks the embryo will attach to the woman’s uterine wall. The embryo will continue to grow climaxing with the baby’s birth. 0-4 weeks You begin life as a single cell, formed when the sperm fertilises the egg. Out of all the sperm it only takes one sperm and one egg to fertilise at conception. This is called fertilization; which takes place in the Fallopian tube, the fertilized egg then divides

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