Media And Information Literacy Education

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During our second seminar of the fall semester, Mr. Jordi Torrent, who is the Project Manager of the Media and Information Literacy Education at U.N. Alliance of Civilizations, discussed his work at the UN and how it helps the UN establish its aims. His project focuses on the intersectionality of migration, media, education, and youth and he explored with how it was necessary to create within U.N., but to mindful of the project not conflicting with other organizations in the UN. It announced the importance of civilians understanding media in today’s age, due to the commonality of media technologies around the world. He argued that it is important for everyone around the group to be technologically literate. He stated that it is not enough to read or write. It is much more important for people to engage in society by being able to apply critical thinking in media messaging. I thought that this was a very powerful statement because I often take for granted that I am technologically literate and able to develop those skills further due to my privilege of living in a nation like the Unit...

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