Maus Reflective Essay

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Since I was young, I’ve always took a special interest in learning about the Holocaust. While the Holocaust represents a horrible time in history, I’ve always been interested in learning about the horrifying details because I simply couldn’t imagine how so many people complied with and remained silent as the Nazi regime took over much of Europe. So naturally, I was very excited to begin reading Maus. Similar to Persepolis, Maus is a graphic novel. I do not like reading graphic novels at all, but because the Holocaust is a topic that interests me so much, I was still able to enjoy Maus. Throughout middle school and high school, I learned quite a bit about the Holocaust. I learned about Hitler’s rise to power, the qualities of Fascism, the oppression …show more content…

To begin, I would like to say that it is always important to remember and recall the horrific events of our history. I fully support the saying that “those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” With that being said, any time is a good time to learn and remember the Holocaust in an effort to prevent further tragedy. However, we’re currently living in a time when anti-Semitism is certainly not dead. Indeed, anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States. Additionally, the current President of the United States encourages scapegoating certain races and religions in an attempt to trace the problems that the United States is experiencing back to one certain group. Because of this, I think that it is more important than ever to recall the events of the Holocaust. I think it is important to recognize that the techniques that Donald J. Trump used to attract followers are similar to those used by Hitler during World War II. I am not suggesting that Trump is capable of committing an atrocity comparable to the Holocaust. But I am recognizing that the ideas that Trump supports and conveys (whether intentionally or unintentionally) transmit the idea that it is okay to pinpoint certain groups and blame them for problems that are not their fault. For example, Trump’s administration has dubbed Muslims, as a whole, as a threat to the national security of the United States. And let us

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