Matthew Yan's Argument Essay

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Take a stroll through the dining halls all around campus, discarded plates and food all left for the custodian to pick up and contributing to food waste on campus. In Stony Brook University’s the Statesman article, “Students need to step up to reduce food waste on our campus,” Matthew Yan emphasizes the point that people who are environmentally or economically conscious should be furious about food waste In addition, he claims that wasting food on campus that has being paid for makes no sense. Yan relied on building his credibility by using personal narrative and trustworthy sources, which has the effect of appealing to the reader's emotions regarding the issue. Overall, Yan’s argument was very sound, even though the inclusion of condescending tone and lack of different perspectives somewhat weakened his argument since it might have been a turn off to readers who had different opinions. At the beginning of the article, the author sets the overall flow of the paper by trying to connect with the reader, he does this by trying to link his everyday experience of witnessing discarded …show more content…

The statement shows how the author wants students to be active in combating waste on campus. The author’s tone to some might seem a bit seems a bit heavy-handed since he failed to address the different opinions that people might have on the issue. As a result, he might have lost some people who did not care or who had not given a thought to the problem of food waste on campus. With the addition of steps taken by the university, it would have been helpful for the reader to see how other students stand on the issue. Since the author is heavily favoring one side, to some readers the overall atmosphere might seem overbearing. The inclusion of diverse perspectives on the issue might help ease the overall mood that the reader might

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