Persuasive Effect On Food

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The second our spoons come near our mouths, we instantly start to think about indulging in the deliciousness that is our food; however, we don’t tend to think beyond the taste of our food as we should. Nearly all of us do not take a moment out of our dinner to think in depth about all the details of what went into producing our food. Wendell Berry and Michael Pollan would agree that when people look at their food, they do not stop to think about the life it had, the ingredients that went into it, the effects it may have on our health and the environment, or the shady business behind it all. We have become a prey in this society as we don’t realize how we are being fooled and unknowingly participating in the destruction of the world and ourselves. …show more content…

You can start out by looking into the ingredients of the foods you are eating and ask yourself if you are familiar with the ingredients; if you aren 't familiar then perhaps it is an exceptional idea to not eat it anymore. A rule of thumb, according to Michael Pollan, is that if it has more than 5 ingredients, then it must be nowhere near as pure as it should be (12). Don’t eat anything your great, great, great grandmother wouldn’t recognize (Pollan 12). We should all try to eat as many whole foods as possible and one way that will guarantee that you are eating as simple as possible is by going to your local farmers markets and purchasing your foods there (Pollan 15). It is an excellent way to avoid unwanted artificial ingredients and preservatives and push yourself to cook your own meals. Berry would agree that it is an excellent idea to grow your own food so that you know exactly how it is grown and if any chemicals were sprayed onto them. When it comes to the lives of the animals, it is important that you sympathize for them considering they are essentially living creatures, as you and I, who are killed for you to eat them. Whenever possible, try to obtain your meats from farms you know where these animals lived a blissful, healthy life. If you take all these tips and follow them through, you are sure to create a

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