Mateship In The Movie Essay

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Mateship is an icon that is represented all over Australia in the media and everyday lives. Good morning/ Good afternoon today I will be talking and identifying about two Australian iconic movies on how they represent mateship. The movies I have studied are Crocodile Dundee and Red Dog I will analyse and explain the beliefs, values and attitudes that foreground in both of these films I will also support the grade of agreement that these films have on the Australian identity.
Crocodile Dundee is an Australian iconic film; Michael J, ”Crocodile Dundee” is an Australian crocodile hunter that lives in the outback of Australia and owns a safari business with his best mate Walter Reilly. In the start of the film Mick Dundee has gotten attacked by a crocodile when he was on one of his hikes in the bush. When New York reporter Sue finds out about the attack she immediately flies to Australia to interview Mick. Towards the end of the trip reporter Sue invites Mick to come to New York City and because Mick has never been anywhere but Australia he finds that it is a whole lot different to what he is use to. Whereas in Red Dog it is a story of a …show more content…

From the very start of the film you can see the mateship between Walter and Mick, how Walter is always there for Mick with whatever he needs and helping him out. Answering Sue’s questions so Mick doesn’t have to, taking Mick home after he’s too drunk to. Mick believes that everyone he meets is like family to him for example when he goes to New York City he says hello to everyone thinking that he will see them again. Mick’s attitude towards people is that he thinks everyone are mates or that they know each other because he is so use to knowing everyone and being in such a small community he doesn’t understand that it is a whole lot different. Mick values people because where he is from there aren’t really a

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