Similarities Between Red Dog And Crocodile Dundee

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Hello . My names Ellie and I’ll be talking about two Aussie movies that both contain mateship . These two movies are red dog and crocodile Dundee . Mateship has been shown through the actions of the characters throughout both of these iconic films. Mateship has been betrayed as an icon throughout both of these films. Mateship has been shown through the actions of the characters in both films through there tone of voice used with each other, the way the characters have a friendly nature to each other, the actions of body language that show that they all get along and the honesty in each character from both films. Mateship was shown in crocodile Dundee with Mick’s happy nature and kind attitude. Mateship was shown in red dog with the way the town all came together to keep red dog out of trouble. These …show more content…

Throughout crocodile Dundee Mick shows mateship towards every person he meets. Mick looks out for Sue when there in the outback not because he has to but because he wants to. During red dog the town help each other find red when he goes missing. Not because they were told to but because they wanted to. These scenes all show that mateship isn’t forced or asked of someone. Mateship is natural and something that we do without knowing because it’s the way we do things. Red dog is about a dog who finds his master after everyone in town tried to own him. But when red’s master passed red’s human friends would give him company. They all helped red throughout the years and they didn’t stop even when red had passed himself. During crocodile Dundee, Sue Charlton came out to walk about creek to find Mick Dundee. A long there travels in the outback Mick is always there helping Sue even though he doesn’t have to. When Mick travels new York Sue helps him out bit by bit. Even though she is not consistent with helping Mick she’s there when he needs her. In both films the characters are all there for each

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