Material Monism Essay

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Material monism is the belief that the whole world and universe are made of just one material. Material monists are the people who supported this belief and dedicated themselves to support their premise. These thinkers believed that if the world and universe were made up of just one material, it would be easier to explain and understand. Furthermore, they genuinely believed in this approach and lived by it. Aside from providing a simpler explanation of the world and universe, having a material be the sole component of them, would help the people learn the behavior of this material, ultimately providing a deeper understanding of the world and universe. Presumably if a single material composed the earth and universe, an explanation for every …show more content…

He has a student who shared most of his beliefs, his name was Anaximander. While Anaximander shared Thales belief of material monism, he belied the material to be something different. He thought water to be too finite, and that even though there was a possibility that water could form everything, there had to be another substance instead. The substance Anaximander believed to be the one that made everything up was Apeiron which is the Greek word for boundless. He believed if everything was going to be made up of something the material had to be boundless and indefinite yet malleable. This material had to lend itself to be shaped or put in a boundary but not permanently, at one point it had to break to break down to become something else. Anaximander never really chose a specific material and left it as a "something" however, he was the first man to describe an early theory of evolution and gravity. Anaximander's early theory of evolution, was that he believed that humans came from a fish. He believed that the early humans had to have had a thorny skin as a way to hold water in. Furthermore, he believed that humans came from fish. As a way of explaining how humans survived the first ears of lives he suggested that they grew in the bellies of fish until puberty and then came out able to sustain themselves. Still, life began in the water. Anaximander, also showed early notions of gravity and though he thought that the earth was shaped like a column, he understood that something was evenly pulling the earth in place. Anaximander became a teacher as well and down his to his student Anaximenes. Anaximenes, like his great teacher concurred with the idea of material monism. He too believed that there was one material that made everything up, but he believed it was aer. Although this material is usually translated to air Anaximenes, meant a denser mist rather. He thought that this material was dense enough to

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