Materia Obscura Analysis

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Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 8:00 PM The University of Michigan Dance Department Masters Candidate Fabiola Torralba presented the piece Materia Obscura. The work was danced and created in collaboration with Luby Bing-Ying Lu, Victoria Briones, LJ Foust, Spencer Haney, Shannon Nulf, And Craig White. The piece was performed without an intermission and the choreographer is I’ve worked diligently over the past few months. Torralba ‘s work is amazing, necessary, and thought-provoking.
Materia Obscura is the piece that exhibits an understanding of the responsibility to tell the stories of the marginalized. This work only partially tells the story of the Afro Mexican communities of the Pacific coast. This community is highly study but it remains in …show more content…

The piece opens with traditional African music and word visuals. There is then silence Fabiola is on stage myself dressed in a new tank top with a white flowing skirt and what it looks to be either a veil or net with beads on the end. The sound of the beads hitting the floor and the sound of the net being swung around creating a wind like sound was the music. Her motions seem to mimic fishing as she and the net twirled around the space. This is important to how dances in African route cultures tend to incorporate everyday life activities and every day tools as instruments. There is traditional Mexican music played during the piece. During the piece the dancers’ body movements are that of jerking and ticking as though they have been possessed. This is a reoccurring image throughout the piece. I noticed throughout their performance they use their breath to enhance the performance but also as a signal to one another. One section of the piece the background sound is of wind whipping and the people on stage begin to aggressively move across the stage but this time as though they’re being blown or thrown around. The Pacific Coast is an area that is prone to natural disasters and the area is rarely given much assistance on the backside of these

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