Mass Means Communication

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Media is a mass means of communication that reaches or influence people widely, through the use of TVs, newspaper’s, radios, billboards. Advertising is providing information or a creating a message designed to promote or sell a product, a service, or an idea, through the use of varied types of media communication. In everyday life, people come into contact with many different kinds of advertising. Printed advertisements are found in newspapers and magazines. Poster adverts are placed in buses, subways, and trains. Billboards dot the landscape along our highways. Commercials interrupt radio and television programmes. This is a marketing strategy they use to allure costumers to gain business. Advertisements use a variety of methods and techniques to influence you to buy their products or let you know, they use bias ideas and stereotypes to influence. Adverts are used to exploit all aspects of their products in the best possible way to influence you to buy the product. Advertising is, calling attention to, and making known something that you want to sell or promote. Manufacturers try to persuade people to buy their products. Business firms use advertising to promote an "image" for their company. Businesses use advertising to gain new customers and increase sales.

There are many ways when pitching a new product. The volvic advertisement within a frame on screen, a man advises that he is taking a challenge to drink 1.5 litres of Volvic water every day for 14 days. He is seen undertaking a series of physical activities on each day, and at the end says that he feels more alert and active. This Advert was released on 14 April 2009, a recent advert. The Evian advert features a group of babies performing old school roller-skating tricks...

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...vertisement the audience is left with an explosive, exaggerated message. It is truly imaginative that can be easily pitched in the mind when out and about with such a branded water bottle, the name lives up to its high standard. There are many small things that add to the build up to make this advert evoke us, many camera angles are added to signify the meaning, for example the image at 51 seconds uses a low camera shot, so as if we are looking up at the bottles, this signifies more superiority of the bottles, as it makes you feel unhealthy, you are also looking up at the dancing babies it connotes weakness upon you, as if they are more superior. The main idea or selling point of the Evian advertisement is simply ‘live young’ in which the advertisement ends, making that the point fresh in mind that you remember, the tone of voice used is very dramatic and tempting.

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